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Serving as my son’s Den Leader in Cub Scouts for the last four years has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences of my life. My daughter joined us for most of our Scouting activities but she was able to officially join our Den when Cub Scouts became co-Ed in 2018.  We are really excited to cross over to Troop 57 in April where my daughter can continue in Scouting with her brother since Troop 57 welcomes both male and female Scouts. Scouting with Troop 57 is an awesome (and convenient) family activity because their male and female Troops meet together at the same time and place. 

Dave Blick

Pack 57 Cubmaster and Troop 57 Parent

Vanessa Mascarenas

Troop 57 Parent

For me as a single mom, Scouts has been a wonderful experience for both my son and myself. We have had the opportunity to go on many adventures that would not have been available to us otherwise. We have been river rafting, backpacking, hiking and have done lots of all weather camping. I have met great people in this journey and made really close friendships. Scouts is a great opportunity for all adults, not just your scout!

Eddie Dry

Troop 57 Adult Leader

Think about the word, “Scouting” of which  “outing” is an important part”.  “The landmark book, Last Child in the Woods, describes a generation so plugged into electronic diversions that it has lost its connection to the natural world…”  So what?  The almost daily news about obesity, attention disorders, depression, crime and shootings answer that question.

The world needs children to be in nature, be a part of nature, and to use nature to develop self-confidence, skills, friendships.

For me, Scouting is not just for youth, it is an important part of my life. I have learned so much, experienced incredible places and made great friendships in Scouting.


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We believe being outdoors is fun and a great place to learn all kinds of practical skills.

As Scouting’s founder Baden Powell stated, it is the best place to learn self-reliance, leadership and to push through our self-perceived limitations.

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