In short,
we strive to provide opportunities to get youth outdoors, to learn new outdoor skills, build self-reliance, learn how to lead and how to follow and to learn to make good decisions, for themselves, their team and community.
We have various segregated funds, as described below, including a general support fund.
We strive to provide the best experiences for our youth and believe that all kids should have the
opportunity to participate in Scouting and all the outdoor activities that come along with it.
We’re all volunteers and Scouts are supposed to be, we’re ‘thrifty’, so we make sure that every dollar donated is going to be the biggest bang for the buck possible for our youth. Thanks for considering Troop 57 Santa Fe for your charitable support.
Youth Leadership Training:
Scouts BSA provides some of the best youth leadership training available and given the benefit to the scout and to the troop, we strive to be able to share the cost with parents to increase youth participation in these week-long trainings. The ultimate training, known as National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE), was called by the Wall Street Journal ‘the best youth leadership training in the US, hands down’. Subsidy to these trainings is half the cost, as we feel scouts and parents should have some skin the game.
Gear Fund:
We’re a growing troop. One of the known markers of success of troops is how good a quartermaster operation they run. By that we mean troops need gear to loan out to Scouts, as we’re active in a variety of outdoor endeavors. It’s simply impossible for parents to purchase gear for backpacking, river running, general camping, fishing, skiing, etc…. Hence, although we have some equipment, given we’re a growing troop we need considerably more in the way of backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, inflatable kayaks, a raft or three, good rain gear Scouts can borrow for a trip and on and on. We also accept donations of gear so please contact us if you have any outdoor equipment of any kind you wish to donate.
General Fund:
Our dues are only $80/year, $33 of which goes to BSA national. The rest covers all the awards earned, scout books, neckerchiefs and slides, various dues (e.g.,, etc…. Quite frankly, the cost to operate the program exceeds $200/scout, so we must secure donations to continue to operate at a high level.
Uniform Fund:
BSA uniforms, with tax, are around $50 just for the shirt. Add in another $40 for the pants and you have an expensive outfit. One of the barriers to actually joining scouting, we’ve determined, is that many parents simply can’t shell out $90 for this uniform. This fund assists those kids who need it in getting into a new uniform. Yes, some new kids come to meetings a few times and then never come back because their parents simply could never get them into a uniform in a timely fashion, if at all. This fund overcomes that problem by subsidizing this cost. We don’t make them free, but this fund helps reduce the cost of the uniform for those that request assistance.
Campership Fund:
We operate in one of the poorest counties in the second poorest state in the country. There are innumerable kids who would benefit mightily from attending a week-long BSA summer camp of fun and learning, but will never get to attend because the cost is somewhere between $300-500. For those Scouts that need assistance in getting to camp, this fund is deployed. You can sponsor a Scout to camp, a Scout who would never be able to go, for $200.
For more information please contact our Committee Chair, Dave Blick (505) or email