Everyone should be added to the calendar automatically once your account is created. If you do not see it in your calendars when looking on calendar.google.com, follow the steps below.
If you are already subscribed and have an Apple device, skip to step 6 to sync the calendar to your device.
There are just a few easy steps listed below on how to subscribe to the Troop 57 Events and Activities calendar. Once you are subscribed, you will be able to easily see on your own calendar all the events and activities that Troop 57 has planned.
If you wish to sign up for Troop events, go to troop57santafe.org and then to the Calendar and Events page.
Step 1: Head to Google Calendar
Step 2: Click the + button
Click the + button next to "Other Calendars" section in the bottom left.
Step 3: Then click "Subscribe to Calendar"
Click the "Subscribe to Calendar" button.
Step 4: Paste in the Calendar ID
Paste the following text into the "Add Calendar" field: c_nphnoh3c7v6emu2o27l3j5qpss@group.calendar.google.com
Step 5: Hit the return key and voila!
Click the return key on your keyboard. Now you should see calendar in your sidebar and the events will populate your calendar.
Step 6: For Apple Users Only (iPhone, iPad, Mac)
Go to calendar.google.com/a/troop57santafe.org/syncselect. Finally, select the Troop 57 Events and Activities calendar under the "Shared Calendar" heading. If you have added your Troop account to your Apple device, the Troop calendar will appear.
If you have any questions or need any help, contact Koray Gates at kgates@troop57santafe.org or (575) 779-8344.