Once you navigate to the Troop 57 member directory, you will be able to see more information about those in the Troop including email addresses, phone numbers, and linked youth and adults.
Step 1: Go to the Troop 57 website
Go to the Troop 57 website and click on the "Member Directory" link under the "Troop Account" drop-down menu.
Step 2: In Google Contacts
Make sure that you are using your Troop Google account and then check to ensure that "Directory" is selected in the left sidebar.
Step 3: Search for a contact
Now you can search for any member of the Troop and they will show up. Once you select their name, you will see their information under a section in their profile called "Directory profile".
If you have any questions or need to update any of your contact information, contact Koray Gates at kgates@troop57santafe.org or (575) 779-8344.